Savage Tales No.8

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  1. SAVAGE TALES No.8 - An acrylic painting size 16 x 20. It appears on the cover of the comic book, "Savage Tales," No.8, published by Marvel Comics.

    My original painting was altered by Marvel Comics artist/editor John Romita, he made the arm muscles on Ka-Zar much larger, added more stomach muscles, and fussed around with almost everything else on my painting except for the girl and the snake. I didn't like him doing that without my permission but it was early in my career so I didn't make a fuss.

    Actually, my experience in the comics field was not very good,
    I eventually stopped my involvement in it. The final straw came when Byron Preiss publications offered me the job of doing a comic book adaptation of the classic science fiction novel, "The Stars My Destination," by Alfred Bester. It had been published in 1956 as a 4 part serial in Galaxy magazine. I would have to read the novel and break it down into a 64 page "graphic" novel, extracting whatever text I wanted from Bester's story and doing whatever re-writing I deemed necessary to make the story flow with my drawings.

    The author, Alfred Bester, would not be involved in any way, he would have no control over my adaptation. We agreed to terms on the phone, the contract would be written and sent to me shortly. I went ahead and started on the project. But a few days later I got a phone call from publisher Byron Preiss, informing me that Mr. Bester was not satisfied with the contract; in addition to the amount he was going to be paid for the printing rights to his novel he also wanted half of my payment. I dropped the project immediately. A couple of years later the comic book was published as done by comic book artist Howard Chaykin. I have no idea what he settled for.

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